Friday, October 27, 2017

Social Media Missteps To Be Avoided By Businesses

Social media management is already an inevitability for any business, big or small, old and new. It is difficult to imagine a company getting more marketing mileage in platforms other than social media. Or the necessity, at least, of augmenting other mediums with an online presence has become the norm and must be integrated into the marketing and customer care mechanisms of firms.

Even if this is one of the easiest, and often cheapest, ways to engage with a diverse audience, Preserving the organization’s integrity and the customer’s trust in and good perception of the company means being careful in the use of social media platforms.

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Social media posts have important and telling implications. The authenticity of the company’s voice, which is a manifestation of a branding vision, should be the primary concern. The posts must reflect that holistically. Social media channels must then not be bombarded with self-promotional materials. Instead, content should reflect an assortment of entertaining, educational, and informative items that consumers can relate to the products and services. This could also be a good entry point for more client engagement. So instead of buying followers, companies could focus on disseminating great material that could ignite productive online conversations.

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It is also important to communicate with the customers through replies, comments, and other communication channels. Netizens who are reaching out on these online platforms cannot be ignored. Most digital natives take these engagements seriously, and one rant can create a social media storm in which a business doesn’t want to be caught.

Rick Casper is a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. He is an exemplary businessman who has successfully achieved a careful work-family balance in order to achieve the best of both worlds. For more insights on business and family matters, visit this page.